Recently an amazing theme started to appear in more than few of blog postings. That is: God speaking with the authors of those postings, or so they claim. It seems that it is very fashionable nowadays to claim that what you say was according to what God told you during a "personal" speaking session with Him.
I honestly dont know what that means. In all God's messages to humanity, through His Messengers and Prophets, He said He chose those few people to convey His message to Humanity in general. He never said that He speaks to individual people privately to convey a personal message regarding those individuals and regarding them alone. The messages that were conveyed by those Messengers and Prophets were clear and specific and contain major, MAJOR, ideology and belief system. Essentially it was the Same Ideology and belief system with variations not very significant and it was intended to be delivered to all humanity not to be personal and specific to a certain individual.
So how do these people now claim that He, God, speaks to them? Messengers and Prophets of old always had what convinced people that they were REALLY getting what they say from God. They had certain qualities and capabilities no human can attain on his own. But these later-day- (i don’t even know what to call them now) have nothing meaningful to say except rehashing ideas and opinions shared and said by many other humans who never claimed that God talks to them.
GWB of course is the most famous Later-day-whatever. He said that Higher Authority told him to invade Iraq. As if this was something no one else thought of or desired before him. He forgot that his "Big Idea" was really old, as old as 1991 or even before and more sane people rejected it for its obvious dangers and wishful thinking.
Others do similar things. The prince of darkness (i.e. Robert D. Novak) recently claimed that he converted to Christianity after the HS told him so. Posts on JU are full of that kind of claims i.e. God or the HS is talking to people and told them what to do or say.
Again, how in the world do they know it was God? As far as I know God says if you want to talk to me, pray. If you want me to talk to you, read what I told my Messengers and Prophets to convey to you.
In other words unless someone claims that he/she is a prophet or a messenger he/she has no right whatsoever to say that God was talking to them. To claim otherwise is just simple arrogance and pretentious and they should really stop that. It is very silly and foolish. It shows and they just don’t see or feel it.
I just wanted to tell them all Stop it. Don’t use His name in vain to validate your brain's product (if that is where it is coming from).
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